Top 6 tips for improving herd fertility

12 August, 2024

Improving cow fertility truly forms the cornerstone of a thriving dairy farm. ABS India shares an expert advice on how to enhance your herd’s fertility. Let’s dive a bit deeper into each:

Use the power of fertile genetics

Breeding for fertility traits can significantly enhance the overall reproductive success of your herd. Selecting bulls with high fertility genetics can positively impact your herd’s fertility rate. Breeding your best-performing cows to sexed genetics, such as Sexcel®, will accelerate the genetic progress of your herd. 

Prioritise Cow Health

Healthy cows are more likely to conceive and carry pregnancies to term. Regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and prompt treatment of any illnesses or conditions are pivotal to improving fertility.

Create a Comfortable Environment

Stress can hinder fertility. Ensure adequate ventilation, comfortable resting areas, and appropriate temperature control to minimise stress factors.

Provide the Correct Nutrition

A balanced diet is key. Work closely with specialists and use the correct additives to ensure your herd gets the right mix of nutrients for optimal reproductive health.

Drive for Efficient Labour Management

Efficient handling and care can positively affect fertility. Well-trained staff, streamlined routines, and effective protocols for breeding and health checks can make a significant difference.

Introduce Productive Management Practices

Regular monitoring, data analysis, and adapting practices based on results are vital. Implementing new technologies or techniques that enhance fertility outcomes can be invaluable.

By focusing on these aspects collectively, you’ll be creating an environment that not only promotes fertility but also supports the overall health and well-being of your herd. Each element contributes to the larger goal of maintaining a productive and healthy dairy farm.