In-Depth Specialised Training Session for Veterinarians and Paravets in collaboration with Livestock Development Board, Jammu
Genus Breeding India Private Limited (ABS India) recently conducted a specialized training session for Veterinarians and AI technicians on Sexedsemen technology in collaboration with the Livestock Development Board, Jammu.
This hands-on training is designed to enhance participants’ confidence in using Sexed semen and empower them with the skills and knowledge to achieve optimal breeding results for our dairy farmers.
A big thank you to our dedicated team members, Dr.Sunil Singh and Mishul Chauhan. who represented ABSIndia and provided in-depth training to over 100 enthusiastic participants. By spreading expertise in sexed semen technology, we’re taking steps towards improving productivity and profitability in India’s dairy sector.
Here’s to driving positive change through education and innovation!